Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Conjuring Review

The Conjuring, a 2013 horror movie directed by James Wan, came out on July 19th, not even a couple weeks ago. I had gone to see it, hearing about how scary it was from friends and talking about how they never screamed watching a movie before but they did in this one. After watching it though, I have to admit I'm not really impressed. I disagree with what they say. I did not scream once and I'm one to not like horror films. Yes, there are parts that are suppose to make you jump and the music gets creepy, but none of the scenes are scary in my opinion, just creepy. The doll Annabelle was creepy, the witch was creepy, the house was creepy, the game was creepy but none were scary. The previews made it seem like such a good horror movie but it wasn't as great as I had first thought. The movie ran longer than I had expected, nearly 2 hours long and the movie was a little confusing sometimes. There were, supposedly, more than one spirit in the house despite the entire house being cursed by one witch, who had hung herself after proclaiming her love for Satan. I didn't really understand why the other spirits were present. The two woman spirits, who were introduced in the story kept saying she made me do it. They didn't make it clear who they were talking about but I suppose it was the witch. She has cursed her property and it was split and sold away to different people. Everyone who lived on her property had a disaster happen to them but that doesn't tell us why the spirits congregated at that house. There is also this little boy who leads one of the 5 daughters to his hiding spot, makes her sleep walk at night, I didn't understand the purpose for him either. They say this movie is based on a true story, now that's creepy to think about. Clearly some scenes have been modified and exaggerated for entertainment purposes and I thought that was a great choice. I did enjoy the film, the actors were quite impressive but the story line was a little shaky in my opinion. Others can have a different opinion about this movie. This is mine.

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